Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Secret Star

A cloud higher than the thoughts of those
That made men unable to reach its height
the art of my heart!

Dear Taurus, 

The Bull that walks with elegance!
The patient sphere that drove others to wonder
About the power of your eyes
And how it pacifies
Every little dark sky…
And made it rise!

Your hardworking trait
That came parallel to your skeptic state
And your red cheeks that glow
That speaks of the bull’s mighty role…

Tell me why you kept your secret so high!
What a bull, what a fabulous bull
Able to decide its own path to stumble
And boxes of gold, cherry wealth is all it humbles

So run! Run away!
Dash to the “Fiery Flamingo!”  
Waiting to dance you until I see
Into the air, into the see…
In to the art of my heart!  

Dear Scorpio,

Secrets that give you little to speak
And every bit of it is yours to keep
If the sky turned black
You hallow thoughts will keep you flat!

Study the "Secret Star"; why wont you reveal yourself...
Flat to the extent of that
There’s no shades of grey
Only those of Black and White
To satisfy your secret kite!

So fly, fly away secret kite!
Find the cloud that will let you rest your flight!
A cloud higher than the thoughts of those
That made men unable to reach its height

And in time…you’ll cry my beloved Scorpio
Tell me why you kept your secret so high!
Yes in time…you’ll cry oh beloved Scorpio
Tell me why…why are you so high!?!

By: Francis Ocampo 
Written last: 2006
Additional caption and Tittle: January 18, 2011 @ 10:04pm

When you look for love....

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast

When you look for love, don’t buy in to the commercialized concept of love! You don’t beg for it like a beggar asking for change so desperately, you’re ready to compromise thus settling for a status of “It’s complicated” or far worse “Friends with benefits”. DON’T DO THAT!   
it is not proud. It is not rude it is not self-seeking
Love comes out of an overflow! Out of God’s unconditional and overflowing love for us comes Jesus Christ’s death at the cross, That is a solid, tangible, living proof of why God is our source of love and the more reason that we should look unto Him all the time to feed off His love. When you realize that, then you’d know you’re ready!
Keep your focus unto God and seek Him diligently then He will add things unto you.
it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
It’s not being conservative, closed minded to whatever “ways of the century” we are now living in or simply being a non adventurous boring type of lover as many would put it, but it’s about "Guarding your heart!" Doing the right thing and what’s good for you! Remember: God is not responsible to add a thing in your life that is self destructive, but the choice is yours; you make a decision weather to have a “liberated, edgy, narcissistic and non sustaining commercialized kind of love” or do you want the real thing, all in God’s terms and season but all safe and secure beyond all reason!

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth
Don’t let yourself be deceived! God has what’s best for you! 

By: Francis Ocampo
Written: January 12, 2011 at 12:33am

Bible Verse from: 1 Corinthians 13:4-13

Mystified sigh (epilogue)

Each night I glare at these lucent dreams
Thinking thru the seasons inside my chest
Passing around the anamnesis we shared
Of devalued recollection and the haunting *sigh*

At night perhaps I do sleep sideways,
Taking comfort in the eyes of these dry walls
We hold these truths to be self-evident
We reuse these lies twisting off the broken smiles

In some ways just like a felon,
This is how a villain feels…
Creeping around looking for someone to blame
But isn’t it enough to pass judgment to a heart that screams?

Though thick is the skin of an ethical mess
Uncertain is the ways of the twisted mouth
The scent of the morals thru the shadow of a doubt
Consider this that I harbor, what thoughts are they about

For I'm in Pain when I can't be myself
And I can't calm my cares about you,
I'm about to break the last time were together
That's why I'm sad; I have tears that are not considered

What a fool to obliterate what peace we have here
Masquerading smiles, I don’t know how I lasted this long
All things considered; in such ways, a pupil in denial
Yes! Were all in a class of patience, love and self exile

And unto this day only the wise would close doors
Burn reason to epitomize what’s sensible indeed,
Everyday I burst when I’m shunned at the pit of good humor
But I quiet my mind always thinking what’s good to last here...

But I'm in Pain when I can't be myself
And I can't calm my cares about you,
I'm about to walk out and break these walls of delusion
That's why I'm sad; I’m going to silence my heart to seclusion

By: Francis Ocampo
Written: October 15, 2010 at 9:25 pm
Edited: January 18, 2011 @ 5:16pm



I'm in Pain when I can't be myself and I can't calm my cares about you, I'm about to break the last time were together, that's why I'm sad

I'm -ban Fájdalom mikor ÉN nem tud lenni én magam és ÉN nem tud nyugodt az én -m cirógatás körülbelül ön I'm körülbelül -hoz alkalom múltkor voltak együtt azért Szomorú vagyok

Jeg er i Pain nÃ¥r jeg ikke kan være meg selv og jeg kan ikke roe min bryr seg om deg, jeg er i ferd med Ã¥ bryte siste gang var sammen, det er derfor jeg er trist 
By: Fretch
Monday/ 11:56pm

Perdu dans une "Mer De Noms"encore vous d'une façon meurtri mon coeur, merci pour l'anniversaire cadeaux 
Monday/ 11-01-2010


The Lord’s Great Splendor (compose your own song about Praising God)

The Lord’s Great Splendor
Great is the Lord oh mighty Savior,
All creations bow down to Your Great Splendor.
Magnificent God full of Glory,
All nations rise up for He is Holy.
Verse 1:
High and Mighty Eternal Father,
Redeemer of all who fall in sin;
Gentle in all of men’s shortcomings,
Forever a God Who’s all so loving.

Grace and Mercy He gave in abundance
That is the God we all so Praise!
Helper and Protector against the oppressor
All knowing in all His ways;
Grace and Mercy He gave in abundance
That is the God we all so Praise!

Repeat Chorus:
Redeemer and friend in all our weakness 
Without Him, life we have none
To know who You are is all I needed,
Absolute Godhood three in one!

Now Bless Your Name oh Sweet Jesus!
Eternal Love and Mercy You gave us,
Forgiveness of sin through Your pierced Son;
Never will I shall feel condemned for…
At the cross He said it is done!

Repeat Chorus:
Now Bless Your Name oh Sweet Jesus!
Authority of men is all restored.
Having disarmed the chains we are slaves to,
Obliterating sin, You declare Your Lord!

Composed by: Francis Ocampo
First Year NLSM student
Praise Life Requirements


Yonder Valley

From the valley of the wicked yonder pains and sweet poison
Sleeping eyes in a child like innocence
Quiet place for a heartfelt slumber
To a twinkling wonder of a life less ordinary
Slowly, I let the curtains fell into my eyelids

From the time the walls fell asleep
And contain them selves under a lonely suspense
Travailing and beseech in my corners they weep
As the innocence departed and they run seasons in my chest

From the valley of the wicked yonder pains and sweet poison
Smile of frailty and obsession swallowed patience and passion
Into the yonder valley where my feet seems to be unwanted
"A lifetime of love to give and no one to take it"
Oh cynic dagger and a thousand cries never to be at skillful prize

If you have lasted as long as I did
You’d love to death because you know cant help it
And the chains burdened each time, again and again
Till finally, you found yourself...

Left alone with only reflections of the memory

By: Francis Ocampo
Written last: Sept 17,2010 at 7:58pm
Edited: January 18, 2011 @ 4:32pm


There is a line that separates, so don't neglect it!!!

I like to read between the gaps, the line that separates,
I like to read between the gaps, the line that separates,
It's soothing to know that the blank clean nothingness that cradle the phrases together doesn't represent a void or a mere intermission for a trail of thought going from one idea to another,
Sometimes it's the main essence of what the whole impression is all about...

Do not consider what the pen can write, what words can express or what point can be established because it's beyond that, Do not limit it to what is comprehendible at the moment...
It's about what "cannot be" but "can be" in the hearts deepest regret (isn't it!?!)...
It doesn't mean that if it's unobserved, its non existent or If it's not tangible, it's not comprehendible.
Know what the bluntness of each void represents, the boldness of a much deeper meaning that words and ideas by it's own cannot express.... The Heart....

Do not consider what the pen can write, what words can express
There is a much more sensible sensation in the absence of the obvious
Maybe a grand litany of angst or a random lottery of meaningless tragedy...
Whatever it may pertain to, most of the time, there is no absolute desire of reflection
For we choose to keep it in silence...
But it's there... inside....
Maybe eating us alive, consuming our desires and incinerating our innocence!...
So we shut it to a clean blank state...

How come the silence of a child's sorrow is a danger to the heart?...
Because it's innate, "We don't settle scores, we harbor them!"
It's a perverted way in dealing with the lies from the hive mind that seeks to deceive.
It's seems meaningless just as a blank slate, but it's not there for nothing.

It has everything to do with what we have or what we are right now and it serves it's purpose
Do not neglect the gaps and the line that seperates, it's there to be deciphered...

"What is your heart screaming silently about"

Internal Monologue By: Fretch
August 16, 2010
4:39 am


Semi-bleached and a heartfelt beseech

"and Its curse into my heart would befall"
Despite of the time, there is so much space to fill up there
We have loved and been loved yet we left our heart cold and bare
Unspeakable shame revealing the heart of the insane,
For what it's worth and what it gains, to malign reality and to show it in vain
In a bliss we smile and all eyes are on us,
Masqueraded lips that twisted aside all fell upon us
Phony eyes swallowing the hypocrite inside
To you I had to fall then in a twinkling I ran from it all

Then the poison starts and every day's a game
We look past the crowd walking at the pit of shame
When all is well and the rain starts to pour
The sudden apocalypse revealed all...
"To you I had to fall then in a twinkling I ran from it all"
and Its curse into my heart would befall

So the longer we walk, the harder we grieve
Along the road we stumbled a few martyr's beliefs 
The epitome of grief and solemn shame we partake
Do we have to forsake each time we ache...

By: Francis Ocampo
Written last: Aug 11,2010 at 10:57pm
Edited last: January 18,2011 @ 3:54pm


We have loved and been loved but we left our heart cold and bare

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Mirror Has Two Faces

We all want to fall in love. Why?
Because that experience makes us feel completely alive,
where every sense is heightened,
and every emotion is magnified.
Our everyday reality is shattered
and we are flying into the heavens.
It may only last a moment, an hour, or an afternoon,
but that doesn't diminish its value,
because we are left with memories
that we treasure for the rest of our lives.

Dear Belinda (from my old blog)

Don't you know eleven years is a long time
To freeze a heart eleven years is long enough
To make a girl insane
Dear Belinda,

It's been almost 2 months since I last long for you. It was temporarily suspended as I found a new habit. Clearly all these are imperfect results that my desires implemented, I was never satisfied and went happy only for a minute.

It's okay to dream but it's destructive to balance it with reality. thoughts and reality were never blended, it was always ment to be seperated.

People constantly dreamed of their desires and isolate themselves to join the void of silence, as they dream, they became contended for a time but would stay disoriented for a much longer time.

At the end of the day, they would find out that their desires weren't fullfiled, and so they strive for more to make their desires come true.

At the end of another day, dreams still stayed as a dream. Desires still stayed as a desire, Now I know it's time to come back to reality I'll stop dreaming and deal with reality. It's time to come back to you....my only reality.

Dreams are sweet for people can conceptualize their own reality. Realities are bitter for several times will it not favor you but in reality we will grow, If we stay stucked in dreams then we may be limited with creativeness and imagination alone but if we stick to reality, bitter as it may seem, it will grant us wisdom patience and maybe someday...true love.

Yours truly,
Thursday, February 17, 2005
If you think this song is about you You're so vain Belinda
But if you catch my stupid eye you'd know you're right
But I will not look again
this time I will hide my heart

Note: The reason that it's all paintings of Barbie Almalbis here is b'coz this work is obviously fashioned with 2 of Barbie's Cradle songs; Belinda bye-bye and Dear Paul (Music from the Buffet Table) I kinda borrowed some concepts there...yeah...this one goes way back late college days fondling with the Library computer during 4 hrs vacant time and it lacks originality! haha


Love letter...

My precious friend,

How are you? I just had to send you this letter to tell you how much I love and Care for you.
I saw you yesterday as you were walking with your friends. I waited all day, hoping you would talk to
Me also. As evening drew near, I gave you a sunset to close your day and a cool breeze to rest you,
and I waited. You never came. Oh yes it hurt Me,

but I still love you because I'm your Friend.

I saw you fall asleep last night, and I longed to touch your brow, so I spilled moonlight upon your pillow and face. Again I waited, wanting to rush down so we could talk. I have so many gifts for you.

You awakened late and rushed off for the day. My tears were in the rain. Today you looked so sad, so alone. It makes my heart ache because I understand. My friends let Me down and hurt me many times too,
but I love you. I try to tell you in the quiet green grass, I whisper it in the leaves and trees, breathe in the colors of the flowers. I shout it to you in the mountain streams, and give the birds love songs to sing. I clothe you with deep sunshine and perfume the air. My love for you is deeper than oceans and bigger than the biggest want or need you have.

We will spend eternity together in heaven. I know how hard it is on this earth. I really know (Because I was there ) and I want to help you. My Father wants to help you too, He's that way, you know. Just call Me, Ask Me, talk to Me. It is your decision. I have chosen you, and because of this I will wait ..... Because i love you.

Your Friend,
JESUS CHRISThttp://www.facebook.com/update_security_info.php?wizard=1#!/note.php?note_id=10150217932915433  

Internal Monologue: Where does that leave us...

We had it out at the beginning of summer so to speak! As it is, summer started with a “big hit”, hot, humid, warm weather and whatsoever
and now it’s raining….. like tearing the season down to be replaced by a new one, probably a better one…….now where does that leave us…
how’s that for your metaphors!

The whole time that this glorified season was running, we kept guard of everything!
Delays, jealousy, people who can hurt us, people who have hurt us and the list goes on and on but what is the most important thing that we never did…we forgot to guard our hearts!

So again where does that leave us?

Does it leave us speaking in riddles? Does it leave us crying in tears? Does it leave us breaking into more manageable pieces? Or does it leave the heart hollow, open and dented,

Forgive me for my bluntness, but I don’t intend to mask a word, every time this solace-parade existed, it’s always right at the edge from where we’re standing and as the coldness of truth accumulates then there we are moving on to another circle…
Really it’s the same cycle spoken…

We are fools! We were where we started and we never moved, it’s cold out there, it’s warm right here why would we move? But we are fooled! A lot are fooled, do we intend to take residency here.…

How was it that every time someone ask for our hearts, we always offer a broken one, we never seem to represent a healthy lifestyle of the known truth. But as we speak, we know how separation’s been of the highest importance…but we never did, however I despise you we never did!

And so the other one walks away and the other one follows…but were walking in circles and so…where does that leave us….really at the same place, same path, same crooked street where the crooked woman staring at her crooked mailbox, it’s all very consecutive…

Now I ask the other you….the whole time that we were around and I’m all “simile smiley” "pretentious and oblivious", you knew what I was doing… and you knew what you were doing….it’s not as if it’s the same liking or have “you” gone sane already,

Off the record… is it our sole purpose for you to realize… to define exactly where they stand and where I’m off to… though no harm intended….has it ended?

"It comes and goes so I wouldn't trust it"

By: Francis Ocampo
May 29,2010
3:42 am


“De profundis clamo ad te domine”

Psalms 130:1

I look in the mirror and realized I was fooled!
When I look at my reflection I see nothing but a man
Another dawn-to-dark in actuality
Kick off your shoes back to reality
It’s that time again to trade off silly smiles…
Bright and empty yet, the solemn kind….

Alone listening to peripheral views
At the back of my head I thought everything seems blue
Is it out there at war against all the lies
Or maybe it’s a far cry across the corner of my eye

As I let sleep fell on my eyelids
And went off to kiss the midnight lips
They threw it back into solitary waste
A malignant seclusion and an inevitable isolation…

"Am I back to where I started or have I ever moved at all?"

The solace in silence with the absence of peace
When I kept it all in me, I was never at ease.
The feeling of hostility, enmity with no remorse
The agony and the anguish,
how grand can it be?

So I loosen my collar and took a deep breath       
I blew off the walls that provide a great divide
I choose to stay and befriend this transparency
The "Lucent" lies that twist off the heavy smiles

I look in the mirror and realized I was fooled!
When I look at my reflection I see nothing but a man
No matter how I struggle there was no evidence of where I am
I’m lost beyond season and I'm fooled beyond reason

“De profundis clamo ad te domine”

By: Francis Ocampo
Written last: May 24,2010 at 9:51am
Edited: January 18, 2011 @ 2:22pm


This goes way back to 2005 and I still dont have a tittle!

Along this life that I have lead
Are seasons of storms and earthquakes ahead
At times, the strong wind blows my way
Straight to the fire that consumes me away

But I stand firmly on solid ground
With no regrets for I will not drown
Because in my heart are roses free of thorn’s
That used to bruise me in heavy storms

My thoughts I feed with eternal passage
That saves my spirit in the middle of a wreckage
HIS name JESUS grants me eternal life
And HIS love lifts me to unreachable heights

And every time the flesh is at war, I resent to give in and shed my own blood
For the voice that guides me every hour is the voice of the Almighty, loving GOD

Instead I seek peace in prayers I speak
With no other intention but for my FATHER to be pleased

So Next time the world becomes too eerie
I stand and trust the arms that embrace me
Because to believe in the love and Glory of GOD
Heaven forbids me to be harmed by evil blood

By: Francis Ocampo
Written back in: 2005



This is a song I would like to share to you all, It's recorded and composed by my friend Dian Co (Soul to Speak)... the link for the music is below (choose play lo-fi)

Kakatapos lang ng ulan
Nalalanghap ulang siningaw
Ang amoy ng lupa
Dahong sinayaw ng hanging
Sumisimoy ng dahan-dahang

Pahalik sa aking muka
Ako'y tumingala
Sa ulap na bumukas para sa
Lanngit na sumisilip
Sa nilinisang mundo

Ilaw na bigay ng bituin
Sa bawat mata'y nananalamin
Minamasid ang hiling
Mithiin at dalangin
Kung ramdam mo ang yakap at lamig
Ilabas ang init ng pag-ibig
Simbolo ng pag-asa
Sayo at baway isa

Kung ang luha ng puno
Ay hinihipan niya upang matuyo
At ang pag kumpas ng talahib
Ay masayang bumabati
Para lang sayo

Ang pisngi ng buwan
Ay humihiga sa bawat nilalang
Upang bigyan liwanag
Ang tulog na sanlibutan

By Dian Co (Soul to Speak)


To the winter of our discontent

To the winter of our discontent
Feeding the hunger of oblivious scent
Threw back from the days our memories spent
It’s poisonous plea, to the others they sent

Tell me…

Does anybody know how
To sing without conviction
Does anybody care how
To incinerate condition

For they were blind….

From masqueraded glare and a glimpse off a vision
Had songs and hymns deprived of allegations

They’re Singing….

Delicate grace, Innocent embrace
Juvenile disguise, I look into
Sympathetic eyes…

Delicate grace, Innocent embrace
Juvenile disguise, I succumb into
Sympathetic eyes!

Can anybody tell me why….
She is wearing….
The tears in Delilah’s Eye’s

By: Francis Ocampo
May 06, 2010



Sa pagbuhos ng ulan
Maaari bang ipaliwanag ang
Iyong pagsulyap
Sa Nakaraan
Sa pagbuhos ng ulan
Maaari bang ipaliwanag ang
Iyong pagsulyap
Sa Nakaraan

Sa iyak na pumipigil
Sa lihim ko at tinagong Nakaraan
Bakit nakuhang balikan

Doon sa dati
Muling malalaman
Ang tunay na dahilan
Ng iyong paglisan

Sa ihip ng hangin
Hagkan ko
Ang kasalanang pasan-pasan
Para sayo, para sa iyong

Sa Ugoy ng duyan
Niyakap ko ang kasalanang
Pag mamahal
Lihim kong natagpuan

Sa akap ng panganib
Nilisan ko ang kapayapaan
At karangyaan
Upang ikaw ay mabantayan

Repeat Chorus

Note: Me and my friend Aimee Fernandez decided to write this song. this was way back after college graduation at the rooftops of the court we hang out in during Nicq's graduation celebration...
We never really finished the song but here's what were able to come up with...

Guitar and words by: Francis Ocampo
Song title and vocals by: Aimee Fernandez


"My Apology"

Inside of my heart is a silent sigh
That I buried deep in meekness and weep
The shadow of doubts hunting delicately
Departed in lullaby’s and memories I keep

In a dance of Joy I picked your name
And you threw it back in a childish game
Yet it speaks about me terribly
For your childish innocence
I sing an Apology

I see the skin but not as you see it
A massive remake and a monumental mistake
I’m just a wounded porch momentarily in darkness
Deprived of pride and swallowed in your likeness

But now I see how wrong I can be
I ask for Apathy, I bring to you “my Apology”
Last I spoke, I carry Wrath and Anxiety
But now I’m just Lost, I sing an Apology

Yet, I know forgiveness is hard to earn, please consider my heart that yearns... http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=660158015&sk=notes&s=30#!/note.php?note_id=10150178153350433  

By: Francis Ocampo
Written last: April 4, 2010 at 12:04am
Captions: January 17, 2011 at 8:21pm

End of Recollection

I can’t speak in riddles no more nor could I quote profound realization
that brought about bitter sweet moments down each recollection.

If it’s not meant to be
then I should cleanse this poisonous plea,

If I had to spend it all
then bless this moment in case I may fall

My point my friend is not my longing for your touch

But FREEDOME if it’s not to be from the bondage you unconsciously

In this case "A kiss is Poison for your Lips"

By: Francis Ocampo
Written last: September 26th, 2007
In this case "A kiss is Poison for your Lips"

Internal Monologue: Learning the Hard way...

The heart screams what the mouth cannot speak; the action speaks what the sanity rejects! Because when people learn the hard way they look for people to tell them “I told you so” but they’re not there, instead you back down and trade your silly “what if’s” for a couple of tears…tell you something…if it aint love then it’s clearly delusional

Familiar with this phrase:

“Cause you know I'd walk A thousand miles If I could Just see you Tonight”

I think this is a song too overrated and understated. Emotions simply can’t be written down in a piece of paper, though some tried and came close, nobody perfected it.
The truest of all is not meant to be seen but to be felt….

How many times have you seen me and felt nothing!?!...

If you expect too much from people you don’t only walk a Thousand miles…you also fall a Thousand feet, the more you expect the bigger hole you make!

By: Francis Ocampo
Written last: March 22, 2010 at 7:21pm
Edited: January 17, 2011 @ 07:58pm


Internal Monologue 230

One cannot deny the existence of thoughts drowned deep into a sea of names
Away from the pitiful eyes and plundered into ones crooked mailbox

The crooked road, crooked spoon and the glorified way to eliminate its own status,
To deny himself and dismember the once profound way of setting a “Great Expectation”

Down into a recollection of the unsettling choices that may or may not be prevented
An excuse to dignify his actions as oppose to admit the relentless passion to quench our own thirst and satisfy our own hunger

Hunger for what? Things that are uncalled for, not even close to being stable, we cannot pretend that we didn’t have these bitter cravings and form there on we ask a question born of riddles and oblivious of judgment, we cope up with the norms established by our own forgotten infirmity …

Do you think I can pass from my own frailty?
I guess it’s not easy to linger through locked doors, tinted windows and dried up walls with no ventilation or a breathing space to spare, a heart that is so buff it’s lacking in substance that once can connect or recollect

I’ve been here before, lurking around…walking in “Perfect Circles” I thought I'm done,
Is it too much to ask for? –Where have all the answers gone-??? Are we playing Hide and Seek or is it my profound way to “Dignify Expectations” but if not, then why talk so Fancy?...

-Francis Ocampo-
March 18, 2010 at 4:00pm


Dear Diary

This is the place that I stand,
shadowed corners that no one understands.
Misery’s spoken enough; I translate these screams
to cry for a helping hand, to reach for my life's command
For in darkness I wrote my quotes, in tears I
pacify my soul.
And In delusions I day dream a reality, that
burned deep in ashes and coals.

It’s all kept hidden in a DIARY, would you be
interested to stay and read?
Please take time to listen beyond these lines,
To comprehend my mind and these delusions I
I may avoid the chance to recollect what’s
hidden in thee…
But I want your awareness, that your presence
still lives in me.

Flip the pages and please understand.
I want you to know without an assurance for what I stand.
That I want you to wonder, to be interested just for a while
So you’d walk the lines that had punished me
and pushed me off the isle

So come in, I invite you in my thoughts
A peek inside the smokes that are not lost
So you’d know the real intentions behind my Diary’s Scream
For what it’s worth and what it gains....
Not exactly what it seems.

By: Francis Ocampo
Written last Feb 18 of 05,
Edited June 25 of 07 at 12:50 PM
Edited: January 17 of 11 @ 7:25PM


A tribute to Valentine's day: Blue Cars in the corner of my Eye

On my way up… up into the city,
Where I nourished my eyes…
And introduced myself to the butterflies in the sky
Where the language they use, where the thoughts in my mind

Up on a podium with a glare in my eyes
About the cars passing by
Shades of red black and white…
But I await the blue car in the corner of my eye…

While colors of harmony spread in flat irony
My eyes chases the only color in sight
While traveling closer to the eye of the owner
Until were eye to eye, sight to sight…

When big boys and cowboys join my feast
Where smoking cigars is an ease
Passing by December my snow covered home
Stepping back is easier as I ran out of tone.

Colors made bridge to the happiness I seek
Those Blunt bold eyes with heavy stare and edgy sides
That made collapse the core of my sanity
Passing Blue cars is a part of my Reality…

By: Francis Ocampo
Written last: June 23, 2005
Note: It's a love story I wrote in a form of a song that I think is just worth sharing...it's in another persons perspective


1:04 CHILD

Sleep Little child in your bed, never be terrified in your
By the feeling that haunts you, when he flew and drown you,
In disappointment, disapproval,
That drove you to sleep,
Little Child…

Don’t be disheartened if he never gave time
To think of possible rain drops of lime
And the point where nowhere has shattered It’s leaves where
You chase It’s footprints, down to nowhere tonight…
Little Child don’t bleed tonight...

It’s difficult to see tomorrow’s approval,
The boy that wondered nothing of your wonders
He killed the beast that drove you to darkness,
Now he’s absence drove you in likeness
Of dim gloomy shadows, the smoke that choke you alive
Don’t lie… I know my child…

It’s just a matter of time…..

You never use to cry in shadows, to cry with tears
To cry at the sight of the sinner
No! It’s you, the committer who’s the sinner
To point a finger, to pity and linger
To cry for paradise, to scream at an ordinary time…

It’s just a matter of time…

By: Francis Ocampo
Written: 2005
