Monday, August 29, 2011

Artificial Pain

Hoping, Wishing, Pain is Artificial too...

I saw the smile at my eyes through my dreams at a kaleidoscope
Each wave of goodbyes is a smile to sucker the breaking heart
Knowing each moment away wounds every hour
From the first time you smiled at me and condemned my oblivious tower.

Even in dreams I feel the fire of the burning acid
I once woke up in tears building in my eyelids
Like the cold tiny snowflakes falling from the open heaven
Then I walk everyday in the comfort of the cold shame of regret

I can't even look at you with eyes of pride and dignity
I can’t even look at you with eyes of pride and dignity
Each glare is a sin born of rage and jealousy
Not that I don’t know the way our common standards implore us
But I’m only human and I can’t juggle right when the heart is breaking

But I don’t believe in the strands and widows upon this novel
Yes! I don’t believe in the strands and widows upon this novel!
Did you notice how I write no longer in riddles?
Or did you notice more how transparent my soul wants to hustle.

Every word is like a rusty knife stabbing westwards each to each
Your words bring smile and ease to my eye that keeps
But every word is like a rusty knife stabbing westward each to each
Every limb and every rib it cuts all too generously
As each moment spent in your wisdom is a factor I’m jailed innocently

And I remember before I wrote out of the blood of this tear
Staring at the artificial stars illuminating an image of you
How I was hoping and wishing all this time and seasons
That in all aspects and degree... in every way it can be… 

"That Pain Can Be Artificial Too"…

Hoping, Wishing, Pain is Artificial too...

By: Francis Ocampo
Date: August 30, 2011
11:43 Am

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Consign to Oblivion…A Porcelain Gratitude

Reconciling fragments of memories that swept me off my feet
Brings back the seasons inside my chest every time she visits back in the late 90's,

Reconciling fragments of memories that swept me off my feet. From a broken world to a world of perfection, it ended up dwelling somewhere in between…

The Up's and Down's of the complicated matter...

Then the walls never seems too Hallow, they move in heavy Grey and Green spot marks.
That of which is painted through water colors or pastels on a rough canvas.
Like the scent of the sunset, the scenic beauty of its paradigm and the feel that comes with it up North.

And right before it dries, you feel the sudden urge to immerse yourself to the promise over yonder that never made sense.

An inviting poison that cannot be mended by sweet talks left unsaid.
How it left a porcelain hole in my heart. The twist and turns of seasons inside my chest.
Like that of a drug, an inviting poison that cannot be mended by sweet talks left unsaid.
I loved those days! And I hated those moments!

They come in package with a request for a second serving.
I decided to take a look at a distant mirror and not a glare from your eyes.

I loved those days!
And in and out of my head I saw not you and me but of a great Waterfalls so deep and wide our universes were compelled to fall apart and consume us into a deeper state of escape…
I hated those moments!
A consign to oblivion…

And as the melody begins to hit the last note It climaxed to a bitter sweet goodbye.

Not like the ones in a paperback novel for we know we’ll lay eyes on a different circumstance...

Good for both you and me carrying the sea of names and the fields of gender that we condemned that November when you said “Yes”.

It’s all rehearsed inside my head ... like "Yesterday"...
 To shred my heart into pieces and build it back up after an 8 year run…
Dancing in the mellow tune of a masterpiece that stopped time and paraded the different shades of emotions that we shared upon complications!

The massive dictation of a delicious breaking point!

And to this day, a smile and a "What If" comes to visit and accompany me every now and then

What a wonderful memory! Shredding my heart into pieces and building it back up after an 8 year run…

It was hallow then.. but when you think about it now it's been quite a ride!!!
A massive "Thank You" with no remorse echoes from the deep into my heart right through yours :D

A massive "Thank You" with no remorse echoes from the deep into my heart right to yours

By: Fretch
Date: July 27, 2011

Defy Gravity

You Defy Gravity
The feeling broke in heaven, like beauty, the Garden of Eden!!!
Can a song be my winter?
The wind that blows forever…
To take us ever higher;
To drown us all in deep.

But I found comfort healing;
I kind of find it funny
When the world seems to haunt me,  
You defy Gravity

Pre Chorus:
When you came and change forever
You flew from summer we ran together

Coz you gave me a sign,
Oh it’s so divine…
Gave a life so refine
Then You gave me a smile…

Then You gave me a smile :D
The feeling broke in heaven, like beauty, the Garden of Eden
Traveling to Your feet and…
Up landed me complete

All the rolls of thunder fear in..
The one Name conveying love and healing
as we dance away our feet and...
You defy Gravity

Pre Chorus:
I Don't Need To RunAway!!!
When you came and change forever
You flew from summer we ran together

Coz you gave me a sign,
Oh it’s so divine…
Gave a life so refine
Then You gave me a smile…

From the deep in to the waves that crash and burn
Along the days spent I prayed and learn
That You got my back as I walk my way….
Because You are for me, I don't need to run away!/note.php?note_id=10150699003250433
Words By; Francis Ocampo
Music By; Chong Cipriano

Thursday, May 5, 2011

24 Hour Child (sequel to 1:04 Child)

1:04 Child

It comes and it goes, so I shall never trust it….
The only embrace behind this cold fragile night
A moment is forever to deal when the eyes are open
But the galloping breath of smoke is all that’s left in the open  

It’s the only scene worth breaking the silence
The fragile comfort behind these bleeding seasons
The smoke that choke you alive...
Where the corners dark, congested and seemingly dry
I think I want to pass and stay in bed till I fly.

The hole is back from a forgotten recollection
A false beauty hiding in a pretentious blank canvas
Claiming back the ghost that delicately haunts me
Breaking apart the hands that holds you securely

The apparition of love in a grey vented comfort
Taking hold the pieces of a fallen rebel’s heart
As the fortune wind fated the candles to flame by
It took the precious wick unknowingly to my attentive eye

With it the tragic footsteps took more than my remains
Suddenly the wind changes and the others benefit off me
In an oblivious presence my faith of you they presented
We should teach the heart to like things that will not leave us tormented

Again for sanity sake I threw in the towel,
And now I can see the bitter blinding barrel
For once I ask to stay in bed till my heart can feel
For in your absence every hour wounds and the last blow can kill...

Every hour wounds and the last blow can kill..

By: Francis Ocampo
Written: May 06, 2011
11:15 am

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Lady that never Sleeps

Threading through a crooked road, the tears in the bridge and the radical pike
I fancy the reverie of a liberal lime; she secludes a baleful cycle of time

Down to where the phantom walks, she never weeps and she never talks
Expecting much from the heart of the wounded,
The baneful valley she swallowed and hounded

Rest in the comfort of the eyes that never weeps and the mouth that never speaks…
Comfort me, for the Lady never sleeps and she never sings peace…

Comfort me, for the Lady never sleeps and she never sings peace…

Looking through her cheers that yonder, the boy that wondered nothing of your wonders
Separate tears behind the pearls you’ll swallow then plead in sigh and the heart shall follow

Let me go out into the open, you should see the world just as it’s been spoken
By the open wound, breaking through a congested womb,
But don’t toil tomorrow and see your singing tomb.

But how can I be, when the Lady never sleeps, Oh how can I be…
Rescue me, for the lady never sleeps and she never drinks peace…

But my Loyalties are not yours….
Rescue me, for the lady never sleeps and she never drinks peace…

By: Francis Ocampo
Written: May 04,2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Secret Star

A cloud higher than the thoughts of those
That made men unable to reach its height
the art of my heart!

Dear Taurus, 

The Bull that walks with elegance!
The patient sphere that drove others to wonder
About the power of your eyes
And how it pacifies
Every little dark sky…
And made it rise!

Your hardworking trait
That came parallel to your skeptic state
And your red cheeks that glow
That speaks of the bull’s mighty role…

Tell me why you kept your secret so high!
What a bull, what a fabulous bull
Able to decide its own path to stumble
And boxes of gold, cherry wealth is all it humbles

So run! Run away!
Dash to the “Fiery Flamingo!”  
Waiting to dance you until I see
Into the air, into the see…
In to the art of my heart!  

Dear Scorpio,

Secrets that give you little to speak
And every bit of it is yours to keep
If the sky turned black
You hallow thoughts will keep you flat!

Study the "Secret Star"; why wont you reveal yourself...
Flat to the extent of that
There’s no shades of grey
Only those of Black and White
To satisfy your secret kite!

So fly, fly away secret kite!
Find the cloud that will let you rest your flight!
A cloud higher than the thoughts of those
That made men unable to reach its height

And in time…you’ll cry my beloved Scorpio
Tell me why you kept your secret so high!
Yes in time…you’ll cry oh beloved Scorpio
Tell me why…why are you so high!?!

By: Francis Ocampo 
Written last: 2006
Additional caption and Tittle: January 18, 2011 @ 10:04pm