Monday, August 29, 2011

Artificial Pain

Hoping, Wishing, Pain is Artificial too...

I saw the smile at my eyes through my dreams at a kaleidoscope
Each wave of goodbyes is a smile to sucker the breaking heart
Knowing each moment away wounds every hour
From the first time you smiled at me and condemned my oblivious tower.

Even in dreams I feel the fire of the burning acid
I once woke up in tears building in my eyelids
Like the cold tiny snowflakes falling from the open heaven
Then I walk everyday in the comfort of the cold shame of regret

I can't even look at you with eyes of pride and dignity
I can’t even look at you with eyes of pride and dignity
Each glare is a sin born of rage and jealousy
Not that I don’t know the way our common standards implore us
But I’m only human and I can’t juggle right when the heart is breaking

But I don’t believe in the strands and widows upon this novel
Yes! I don’t believe in the strands and widows upon this novel!
Did you notice how I write no longer in riddles?
Or did you notice more how transparent my soul wants to hustle.

Every word is like a rusty knife stabbing westwards each to each
Your words bring smile and ease to my eye that keeps
But every word is like a rusty knife stabbing westward each to each
Every limb and every rib it cuts all too generously
As each moment spent in your wisdom is a factor I’m jailed innocently

And I remember before I wrote out of the blood of this tear
Staring at the artificial stars illuminating an image of you
How I was hoping and wishing all this time and seasons
That in all aspects and degree... in every way it can be… 

"That Pain Can Be Artificial Too"…

Hoping, Wishing, Pain is Artificial too...

By: Francis Ocampo
Date: August 30, 2011
11:43 Am

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